hello James Greaney here from internetbizunicom and in today's video and want to be explaining to you exactly how you should run paid advertising to increase your sales and increase your profit and this is relevant for you if you sell your products on Amazon via Amazon FBA or if you sell them on your own Shopify website I have been using paid advertising for the last two years our families are to drive sales and increase the profitability of my business and I'm going to give you three quick things that you need to be aware of if you want to be able to create successful advertising campaigns of Amazon for your product and if you know these three things then you will be good you will be able to create a successful profitable advertising campaigns in the future but if you are not aware of these three things then you won't be able and your advertising campaigns will be destined to fail no matter how much effort you put into them so I'm gonna jump straight into that now and give you these three things that you need to be aware of before running advertising campaigns to your products whether you're selling your products on Amazon or on your own Shopify website okay so number one is you have to know exactly who your target customer is if you don't know this then you were simply gonna be wasting money targeting the wrong person you're gonna be putting your ads out in front of the wrong person and you're not going to make money sales off your product and you're going to be paying a higher cost to get your ads out in front of the wrong person so it's actually a double-edged sword you're actually hurting yourself twice if you don't know exactly who you are targeting with your ads this is no matter what channel you're advertising on whether you're advertising on Facebook whether you're advertising on YouTube whether you're advertising on Google whichever advertising channel you choose to advertise them you need to know exactly who it is that you're targeting with your ads so a couple years ago when I was getting serious about advertising my products on other channels outside of Amazon like advertising them on Facebook advertising the Google and on YouTube I decided I really needed to find out who the exact person was that I was going to tangle with my hands and to do this I downloaded my report on Amazon showing what sales I had made then I simply went through the list of sales that I had made over the last six months and I broke them down so the first thing that I looked at was was my customer male or female you know I thought one of the products that I've seldom was going to be a 50/50 product it was gonna be hard nail to have females but I found out that it was 70% females that were purchasing this product that I was selling and that was massive you know because if I was targeting males of Tanjung males and females with this ad then 70% of males that were seeing this out it was relevant to they weren't going to be inclined to purchase this product whereas 70% of females wore purchasing this product in the past so I had a lot more likelihood that it was going to be females purchasing this product again in the future so I was able to turn my ads a lot more specific for a female customer knowing that it was females purchasing this product a lot in the panas as well as this what I decided to build up was my customer avatar for each of the products that I was selling and to do this how to do further research I had to go down through the list and actually manually search on Facebook for these people to see what type of interests these people had that were already purchasing my product and again I don't know you know how much time you have available this took me a long time to do it but again you can hire someone else to do this and this is what I eventually done but I done it myself at first because I really wanted to find out as much as possible about the people that were already purchasing my product so that I could tags and similar types of people also if you have your own email list built up then this is an amazing way to start advertising because what you could do is when your advertiser on Facebook you can create a look-alike audience so if you have a list of either phone numbers or a list of email addresses then you can put this into Facebook and create an ad that will create a look-alike audience so basically they'll be copying this audience that you already have and creating a list of similar people to these that you can turn with your ad and that is extremely powerful if you are using Facebook Ads to advertise your product but the most important thing that you have to remember about this is that it's extremely important to know exactly who it is find out as much about the type of person that you're targeting with your ad and a good way to do this is to look after your past customers if you have already sold your product find out who has purchased it in the past because these are the most likely type of people to purchase it in in the future tip number two is to become extremely clear on the goal of your advertising campaign so you can mainly break it down to two different goals you can either be collecting lead which is people who are more likely to purchase your product in the future or you can start driving immediate sales again both of them have massive benefits but being extremely clear on which one of these goals you're going after is extremely important because if you are going after leads if your product is something that isn't kind of an instant purchase product if it's a higher priced product then you want to be collecting leads and following up with these leads so you can do this in many of different ways you can create their email address you can collect their phone number and you can get them to sign up for your messenger but on facebook these are all different types of data that you can collect of them then you can set up a funnel walk a sequence of messages that they are going to receive when they sign up and give you their data then they will simply see these follow-up sequence of either emails or Facebook messages and this is to encourage them to go ahead and purchase your product it's to give them more information about your product because if your product is a higher ticket item they're going to need this further information before they're going to go ahead and make a purchase of your product whereas if your product is like a quick purchase product if it's only around 15 dollars or around that price then you would be able to just send out a sales and getting them to come and make a purchase on your site immediately so you can give them a little bit of information in your ad and this information should be enough to get them to come over and make a purchase of your product but the most important thing to know about this is be clear on which one of these that you're going after because you were going to need to be otherwise you're going to be waste of money if you don't know which one if you don't know whether you should be driving sales or getting leads for your product you're going to be wasting more money on ads if you're not extremely clear on which one of these your main goal is with your advertising campaign and finally the most important tip that I'm going to give you is tip number three and the reason for this being so important is because if you do this wrong then no matter how good your creative is no matter how good your ads is and you're charging your ads aren't going to be profitable so what tip number three is don't overpay for ads I'm just going to explain exactly how you can avoid doing this so first you have to pick the right channel to advertise on you have to see your product C which advertising channel it's most suitable to so the best advertising channels at this moment of time are facebook ads Google Ads YouTube ads and Amazon ads so you have to work out which one of these advertising channels should you advertise on again I'm not bringing influencers in influencers is a great way to advertise your business but I'm not discussing them in this video because it's a bit off-topic for paid advertising but if we just look at the main advertising channels that you can advertise on our platforms that you can advertiser you have to decide which platform is most suitable for your product and then you have to go in a deeper and select the right type of add to rule for your product so again if you're running ads on Facebook you have to find out if your ads are most suitable for an image ad or if your ads are more suitable for a video cut because there are a lot of different types of ads that you can run inside Facebook ads and you have to by testing find out which type of ad is most suitable for your product again the same way to running YouTube ads you can do an in-stream ad which is the ad that comes up before the videos that you watch and during the videos that you want you can also do a youtube search ad so again by testing these you will be able to find out which one of these are more suitable for selling your product and it's the exact same with Google ads there are loads of different types of ads to run when you're using Google ads there are searches which are just the usual searches that pop up on Google these are extremely expensive ads to run for money keywords so it can be extremely cautious when you're running these types of ads in the future and then there are retargeting ads which again are retention people who have already been on your website or someone that you have already collected their data off you can retarget with these ads these are extremely profitable and if you have your own website set up and you were fixing the people who land on your website and it's the exact same if you're only selling your products on Amazon it's what type of Amazon ads are most suitable for your products make sure to use headline searchers make sure to use manual PPC ads times Inc you know your competitors brand name make sure to use another video showing all of these early cut down below so that you can check it out how to do these you know when you're setting up your PPC ads make sure that you're targeting the correct keywords again I have another video showing you how to find profitable keywords for your product list by simply creating an artful campaign and they're part of the successful keywords into a manual campaign but there are a lot of different type of ads that you can run but it's selecting the right platform to run it up and the right type of ad to run it on and this is extremely important if you're advertising your products you know across the internet you want to make sure that you're getting this right okay and that's it these are the three tips that you needed to know in order to create successful advertising campaigns just gonna go over these quickly note so the first thing is create your customers avatar who is your ideal customer who is the customer that you should be showing your ads to knowing this will give you a lot more profitable advertising campaigns when you start running them on channels of Amazon number two is to clearly identify what your goal is is it to collect leads or is it to drive immediate sales and number three is what is the best platform and what are the best type of ads to run on that platform what ads are going to give you the biggest return for your ad spend and all three of these tips are required in order to create highly profitable advertising campaigns off Amazon so I hope that this video really helps you out and I hope if you are starting to advertise your products off Amazon and on these different platforms that you take in this advice and you know go over this video again if you want to go through these tips in greater detail but I hope that this video really does help you out with your advertising campaigns in the future I am currently put together the advanced private-label course and in this will be a section about advertising campaigns creating these types of campaigns to grow your sales and of course increase your profits for your business so if you are interested in learning more about that and be notified when I open the doors then you can click on the link down in the description to the advanced by the labor course and I will notify you as soon as I reopen that course in the future as well as this make sure to hit the subscribe button if you haven't already right to my channel Sabri be bringing you a lot more videos like this in the future I hope that you have enjoyed this one and I look forward to speaking to you on the next one bye
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